why is coordination important in badminton

why is coordination important in badminton

To exist a successful badminton player, one should stick to these principles.


While taking up a sport, one should lay a stiff foundation for themselves. Ane should have sure principles that they follow so as to do justice to the sport.

If you are one of those players who fight to be improve and amend every day, and so these principles are definitely for you.

These principles are here to guide you lot to amend and be a ameliorate thespian overall:

 1. Good hand-eye coordination

It is noticed that when beginners selection upward the sport of badminton, they tend to miss the shuttle in an endeavour to hit it. This is considering a player may not be making a swing at the right time. He/ she may be swinging a scrap too early or a bit too late. This happens a lot and is considered normal at the beginner level.

Yet, with practice one can amend on this and proceeds better mitt-eye coordination.

This video is a good example of drills one tin can practice to amend hand-center coordination:

 2. Footwork is key

While playing badminton, one should actually focus on having good footwork on the court. If you cannot reach the shuttle, do not striking information technology. This is considering if you are out of place or not in a good position, yous may end upwards moving incorrectly and chances of falling or getting injured increase significantly.

Maintaining adept human foot movements on the court will help yous go a ameliorate role player equally you lot will be able to return the shuttle more effectively.

Another of import thing to note is that improving the forcefulness and muscles of the legs will aid significantly.
Badminton is a quick game where a actor is put in situations to react very quickly. In society to be able to react fast, the leg muscles of a person should be strong. Obviously doing footwork drills is very beneficial.

This may help you to better your footwork:

3. Always be behind the shuttle

If you want to become a good badminton thespian, one of the things yous will learn to practice 10/10 times is be behind the shuttle and never directly under the shuttle.

Nhat Nguyen hitting the shuttle to the opponent.

It is so important that your trunk is behind the shuttle because this way your arms have space to freely swing completely and you can spotter where and how you lot are contacting and hitting the shuttle. Source.

While playing badminton in that location will exist instances where you are belatedly and are not able to be backside the shuttle always, which is okay, but this should be a rare occurrence.

If you are directly in under the shuttle, not simply will your arms have a express range of motility, you will not be able to view the shuttle well enough to ship it in the direction of your choice.

It will likewise result in you making a poor render, and sometimes no return also.

The worst position you lot can discover yourself is being in front of the shuttle. This is because you lot will be completely off balance trying to chase the shuttle and striking it when you are out of position.

Yous volition not be able to view the shuttle correctly and chances are information technology will not fifty-fifty go across the cyberspace. So call back, always be behind the shuttle.

iv. There is no shortcut to success

If you lot are trying to pick upwardly whatsoever sport, peculiarly a competitive and intense sport like badminton, you have to be very patient with the progress.

Yous need to do regularly and even train off the court to be able to catechumen that on the courtroom to see results fifty-fifty faster.

In that location are no shortcuts you can take to brand the results come up quicker. Existence regular and being focused on making good progress should exist the key.

5. Never requite up

Badminton is not an piece of cake sport . Either you take the natural talent for information technology or you are very hard working. Both of these will yield good results. Just if yous are non seeing progress soon enough if you lot aren't winning matches you feel you lot should, never requite up.

Instead, assess the situation. Think about the mistakes yous fabricated and what yous can do to rectify them. Think about what more than can you do in terms of practise.

Be regular and acquire from your mistakes. Practice non permit failure go in your way. A determined player never quits.


These are just 5 principles to help guide y'all to build a strong foundation for yourself as a badminton player. These utilize to all level of players.

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why is coordination important in badminton

Posted by: thomaspletent.blogspot.com

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